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Pennsylvania State Nurses Association Testified

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This week, the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association (PSNA), a leading advocate for Pennsylvania registered nurses, testified before the House Professional Licensure Committee in support of the proposed HB 1722 ? Nurse Health Program.

Harrisburg, PA (PRWEB) April 9, 2004 -- It is estimated that as many as 25,500 nurses in PA are expected to be at risk for impaired practice due to chemical dependence, making their dependency a very real concern for the healthcare industry as a whole.

?Chemical dependency is one of the nation?s major preventable and treatable health problems. In order for nurses dealing with chemical dependency to achieve a successful recovery and return to their profession in a safe and professional manner, improved recovery programs must be implemented,? said Michele Campbell, executive administrator of the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association.

?We feel strongly that with more than an estimated 10% of PA nurses dealing with chemical dependency this program is an absolute for the industry. The availability of supportive and experienced peer assistance can be the difference between a nurse healing or continuing to harm themselves and possibly others.?

The Nurses Health Program has been proposed to offer nurses access to assistance and proper care in their time of need and is based upon supportive research showing that a two-tier program approach offers the most dramatic rates of success. The Nurses Health Program would function on the basis of providing earlier identification and intervention in a confidential non-punitive setting, opportunities for nurses to help nurses, more intensive and long-term monitoring and outreach with education.

A portion of nurse licensing renewal fees would support the needs of PA nurses requiring assistance from the Nurses Health Program. Nurses should go to the PSNA web site and click on Support the Nurse Peer Assistance Program to write their legislators and find out more information on the proposed program.

For a complete copy of the testimony, please email e-mail protected from spam bots with the subject ?Peer Assistance Testimony?.

The Pennsylvania State Nurses Association (PSNA) is a non-profit organization representing the over 200,000 practicing nurses in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. PSNA works to advance the profession.


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