Doctors Medical Center has Specialty Care Centers for: Weight Loss, Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, Pregnancy, Low Back Pain, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Exercise, Bariatric Surgery (Surgical Weight Loss), Ashtma, Arthritis and Allergies. This hospital is part of Tenet Healthcare Corporation, a nationally integrated health care delivery system. The services offered at Doctors Medical Center include Women and Children?s Center, Stanislaus Family Medicine Residency Program, Pediatrics, Nuclear Medicine, Emergency and Trauma Services and Transport, Central California Heart Center, Central California Diabetes Center, California Neurological Sciences Center and California Cancer Center.
Tenet Healthcare Corporation currently has job openings in the following positions: Clerk, RN Staff - SHR/Clinical Documentation Specialist, Clinical Laboratory Scientist Staff, Pharmacist, Phlebotomist, YMC-Receptionist, 12HR-RCP CRTT, 12HR-RCP CRTT/NICU, RN Staff/Surgery, Clerk II/Surgery, Clinical Coordinator-Pharmacy, Security Officer, Librarian, RN Staff/NICU, RN Staff/NICU/Shift Manager and Admitting Manager. If you or someone that you know wants to work in any of the positions mentioned above, consider the competitive benefits package that Tenet offers. These benefits include an employee stock purchase plan, student loan repayment program, tuition reimbursement, online educational program, paid time off program, medical/vision/dental/life insurance after 31st day of employment, income replacement and a 401(k) savings plan. Imagine yourself working in a place that offers these benefits, you could be the next employee of Doctors Medical Center or of any other hospital of Tenet Healthcare Corporation.