The PA State Nurses Association points to recently published research examining the correlation between longer shifts and increased occurrence of errors and near errors by staff nurses as proof that mandatory overtime is not conducive for delivering the highest quality of care or increasing job satisfaction and retention among nurses.
Harrisburg, PA (PRWEB) July 12, 2004 -- The landmark study, entitled The Working Hours of Hospital Staff Nurses And Patient Safety, aligned longer working hours for nurses to medical errors. Specifically the research concluded that the majority of staff nurses studied worked more than 40 hours in a work week, with 39% working at least 12.5 consecutive work hours and 14% working sixteen or more consecutive hours at least once during the study period. During the over 5300 examined shifts 199 errors and 213 near errors occurred, with more than half of the total errors and near errors involving medication administration.
?The study supports our efforts in limiting mandatory overtime through its findings and provides tangible evidence through the conclusion that working overtime increases the odds of making at least one error, regardless of how long the actual shift was scheduled,? says Michele Campbell, MSN, RNC, executive administrator for the PA State Nurses Association.
?This groundbreaking study also reinforces the recent IOM recommendation in their report: Keeping Patients Safe: Transforming the Work Environment of Nurses, which states regulations, policies and practices should be designed to limit hours of direct care workers not to exceed 12 in any given 24 hour period.?
The analysis reflected that work duration, overtime and number of hours worked per week had significant effects on errors.
The PA State Nurses Association already supports legislation prohibiting the use of mandatory overtime based on the premises of patient safety and nurse satisfaction. Association position statements and testimonies provided in opposition to mandatory overtime may be accessed by visiting our website.
The PA State Nurses Association (PA Nurses) is a non-profit member supported organization representing the over 200,000 practicing nurses in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. PA State Nurses Association works to advance the profession of nursing through education, advocacy, practice, and legislation. PA Nurses is a constituent member of the American Nurses Association and is the official voice for nursing in Pennsylvania.